Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend - That time I ran into the President


Saturday Workout: Moving boxes up and down stairs for hours into storage before I leave for Italy THIS WEEKEND!

Sunday Workout:  4 miles run, Sculpt Class at Core Power Yoga

Monday Workout: 6 miles run

Tuesday Workout: Sculpt class at Core Power Yoga (Last class I'll be able to make it to before departure!)


Sorry I have been MIA. I have been running around like a crazy person to pull my life together before I pick it up and move it to Italy for the summer. It's crazy how quickly this day has come. I have been thinking about it since August and I have always had this weird feeling that it sounds great but isn't actually going to happen. But it is. I'm really going.

Since I know this summer will be spent outside my comfort zone, I wanted to take this long weekend and use the time (that wasn't spent packing) to do the things I love. Movie and wine nights with girlfriends, reading magazines in the backyard with the roomies, walks down to Dean and Deluca to grab Iced Tea, stroll down M Street to do some window shopping, and of course, running.

My grandfather is buried in Arlington National Cemetery and since I run over the Memorial Bridge on almost all my runs, I decided to stop by and pay my respects on Memorial Day. His grave is tucked in the back so when I saw a cluster of cars and a group of a about 30 people gathered to the side of the street I assumed there was an actual burial ceremony happening, so I crossed the street as to not get too close and and intrude. As I got closer I noticed that the cars had the presidential flag on the mirrors and had an "Oh my gosh!" moment as I realized the President must be nearby. Sure enough, he and the first lady were just walking to the car right next to me after paying their respects at the cemetery. I tried to not be a complete creeper, but I don't know if I'll ever be within 3 feet of the First Family again so I decided to "change the song on my ipod / play paparazzi"

These photos are terrible, I barely got Michelle, and the President was always looking away or had his head down. But it was a pretty cool moment for me.

Walking around Arlington reminded me how lucky I am to be an American, and how much we owe to our armed forces. I feel weird wishing people a "Happy" Memorial Day, as the day is intended to remember those who have served our country, and many people (especially on days like this) are grieving those that they have lost. I do hope everyone took the weekend to stop and take a minute enjoy and be thankful for the life that these men and women have afforded us.

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