Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tank Top Arms


Today's Workout: 6 miles biking

Monthly Health Goal (April - Don't eat after 8:00 pm):
Monday - success

Last week I posted some tough leg workouts, and I know most of you noted I was neglecting another problem area - good ol' arms.

Fear not, I gave my chicken wings a work over too... here is what Friday's workout looked like:

With lent ending this past weekend, I got thinking about how doing something for a month consistently can really be effective in turning it into a habit. So, with this new month, I have decided to commit to another healthy act to accomplish everyday, with the hopes that come May 1, it too will become habit. I'm starting small: I want to try to refrain from eating after 8:00 pm.

I'll keep track on my progress up with my workout logs.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh I love this workout, I really need to work on my triceps more. I neglect them, poor triceps. Dips are great for that, thanks!
